“I don’t know the way to start…”
“because of school, work & friends I don’t have time…”
“I’m afraid no one will watch…”
Have you ever said any of the above statements?
The cold hard truth is that they’re excuses, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and I’m going to explain to you why you can make a 360 turn around today.
One of the main reasons we don’t follow through with our goals is because we don’t actually have a plan to accomplish our goals.
We think that if we just show up thats good enough. Here’s what you need to do:
Ask yourself this one question: What is the overall plan to build & grow your Twitch channel?
3 Pillars to Build & Grow Your Twitch Channel
- Channel Experience
- Discovery
- Content
Channel Experience – What is your first impression? You only get one shot at impressing your guests. When a new guest visits your channel you have 3 seconds to keep them before they decide to leave.
How are you supposed to make sure they don’t leave? A big part of this is to make sure that you clearly detail out to them what your channel is about. Using your Channel Panels is a great way to explain quickly, to future followers, what your channel is about.
Whenever you go to a Twitch channel, or even YouTube, what you see are channel panels and headers with logos of the owners name.
Can we all stop doing this? What does this tell your prospective followers?
Instead make your branding explain exactly what your channel is about. That way when someone arrives they can quickly understand what they will get from your channel.
Below is an actual example. The first image was a old channel header we had for our YouTube channel. Look at the mistakes we made. We had our names, our favorite NFL teams & favorite NFL players on it.
This seams like the right thing to do, but it hurts your channels growth so badly. Now look at the next image and notice the difference in terms of how much more clear the message is. With the second image you should immediately know the channel is about.
Test it out for yourself, ask someone if they can tell you what both channels are about. Give them ONLY 3 seconds to look at both images and then ask them to tell you what the channels are about.
See what they say…
Do you want to learn how to build & grow your Twitch channel (YouTube too)? Then sign up for the Reel Gamer Newsletter below, it’s free!
The Harsh Reality of Building & Growing Your Twitch (YouTube too)
They care about what they will get from you…entertainment, information, giveaways etc.
Only over time will they learn to care about you and it’s your job to make that happen.
If you want to see growth in your channel you need to start thinking about what the overall experience is like for your followers.
Do they know when you go live? Do they know what games you’re playing? What do THEY GET by following your stream. How are you making their lives better?
You can instantly improve your channel experience by doing the following…
- Have branding that clearly explains what your channel is about
- Create a Schedule Panel and stick to it
- Create giveaways on a consistent basis
- Survey your audience to see what they want, then give it to them
Use Canva to create logos for your channel, it’s free
Use Survey Monkey to survey your audience, it’s free
Finally, keep this one question on your mind and you will be on the right track with your overall channel experience…
How are you making your followers feel when they’re watching you?
With our next post we will break down pillar #2 for building and growing your Twitch channel: Discovery
How will people find your channel? Don’t miss this post! Sign up for the Reel Gamer Newsletter below to get instant updates delivered directly to you inbox…
Do This Now
How can you improve your channels overall experience? Commit to improving your channel panels and creating a schedule that you stick to. Both are 2 things you can do right now to improve your overall experience for your channel
Share in the comments below how you will improve your channels experience.
Be clear. Be concise.
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