How to Make It as a Gamer (hint: opportunity)



Are you ready for the next opportunity that comes your way?

Would you even know it’s there?

How can you prepare?

First…let me introduce you to Owen Good, Senior Reporter and Sports Columnist for Polygon.

Owen is one of the most respected and popular sports gaming columnists in the industry.

In the latest episode of the Raise Your Game: Reel Gamer Podcast I sit down with Owen to give you a inside look at how he got started in the gaming industry.

Hint: He was ready and willing for opportunity.


 Raise Your Game: Reel Gamer Podcast #5 with Owen Good

How are you supposed to be prepared for something when you don’t actually know when it will present itself? I sit down with Owen Good to discuss preparing for opportunities that come your way.

In This Episode You’ll Learn

– how to be ready for opportunity
– how break into the gaming space
– how to connect with influential people
– the difference between thinking and doing


Subscribe to the Raise Your Game: Reel Gamer Podcast

Do This Now

What opportunities have you turned down? Why? Did you think it wasn’t right for you? Do you think it could lead to bigger and better things?

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  1. Kairi aka Warhead aka Workinprogress says:

    It was good to hear from a person who was a little further along in the process of life. It was even better to hear him explain, and describe to some degree that success is not instantaneous; hell, goals are not instantaneous. Sometimes goals do take a back seat to reality. Life is not going to stop just so that a person can get what they want when, and where they may want it. It was also encouraging to hear him explain that one may still achieve success not having fulfilled their initial goals, or desires. One doesn’t have to stop reaching for the stars, but understanding that growth is necessary to reach those heights is a major factor in achieving success. And some people grow faster than others, so just because one person didn’t reach a certain point as fast as another doesn’t necessarily mean that they are not as good, but rather that they have a different path of success to journey. Very inspiring, and encouraging. Keep ’em comin’!

    • i think a big takeaway from this interview is that success can come at any age. young or old and its also all about your mindset.

      we all have grand ideas and plans of what we want success to be, but often times it doesnt work out and we feel defeated. Owen helped me to better understand that success can be different to all different types of people.

      thanks for reading/watching man. I appreciate you commenting on posts.

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