Do less work, but produce more.
Sound good to you?
It’s called Minimum Effective Dose Theory and its about to change the way you work.
Some of the most productive bloggers, authors, YouTubers & Live Streamers use this everyday.
And with this article you’re about to find out why.
The 4 Hour A Week YouTube & Twitch Channel
New York Times best selling Author Tim Ferris, Author of the 4 Hour Body, goes in depth on the Minimum Effective Dose Theory and how it’s an reoccurring theme in our lives.
It’s simple to understand. Let me explain:
The Minimum Effective Dose is simply the smallest dose that will produce a desired outcome and anything BEYOND the Minimum Effective Dose is wasteful.
For example, Ferris explains that water boils at 212° F. You can’t “boil water any hotter” if you turn the heat to high. All you would be doing is wasting energy and losing money on your gas & electric bill.
Instead you only should use the appropriate amount of heat to boil the water. This will conserve energy & resources to be used for another time.
How to Use the Minimum Effective Dose For Your YouTube Channel and Beyond
Think about the time and effort you put into creating your videos. A lot of work goes into it…
…You have to design your set, plan out your content, for some write out a script, multiple camera shots…
the list goes on and on and it doesn’t stop there. You have to edit your video, tag it, add music, add graphics, add cut scenes and then when its all over you have to distribute it to your fans.
This can all be magnified if you happen to be a perfectionist.
Instead what if you looked at the process as a whole and determined what was absolutely needed and what wasn’t?
This can especially be helpful for those of you that are just starting out because it puts an emphasis on getting content out rather than getting lost in the minor details.
Here’s Exactly What You Should Be Focusing On With Each Video
Content Plan & Video Edits.
That’s it.
Nothing more & nothing less. To help get the video out the door focus only on what your content is going to be and then editing down the video in post production.
This will save you time to do the important work like market your videos and network within the community, both of which will help grow your channel and subscriber count tenfold, rather than focus on monotonous tasks.
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When I first started out making Madden videos I literally only focused on what the content was. I believed (and still do) that as long as what you’re providing is helping someone out or entertaining them then you’re heading in the right direction.
In fact I still do it to this very day. I hate spelling and grammar. I’m also terrible at both. If I were to make sure that every article I write has perfect spelling and grammar I would never actually write anything.
Instead I focus on the bigger picture. I use auto correct and quickly glaze over for missing punctuations and call it a day. This probably causes me to lose some fans, but I know that in the long wrong its more helpful for me to actually produce the content.

Minimum Effective Dose Theory In Action!
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. Focus On the Bigger Picture.
Check out the image to the right and you can see one of the first ever YouTube shows I taped back in 2009.
You could tear down this video and all the things wrong with it…
…the lighting is terrible, sweet graphics bro, there are about 10 TV’s in the background, I had no microphones and I had no personality.
But one fact remains. I took action. I created a piece of content that at the time was a Black Swan.
The most important lesson is that using the Minimum Effective Dose Theory helps you take action. And action gets you one step closer to your goals and the life you dream of.

Big improvements. Don’t ya think?
Do This Now
Do you have trouble with creating content? Why?
What small stuff are you over analyzing? How can you cut them out to help boost your productivity?
Share with me the steps you’re going to take right now. Be concise.
I totally agree Gibs. I have so many ideas but my focus of making everything perfect actually keeps me from making it at all. By sweating the small stuff I have lost out on many “Black Swans” because I wanted it to be perfect.
I have content that could be uploaded everyday if I choose not to sweat the small stuff. I also feel like the videos may be too long. Shorter videos seem to work just as good and maybe probably better, so I’m trying to cut my vids down length wise.
Good stuff Gibblets!
Thanks for checking out the article. We all want things to be perfect and its good to a certain extent, but can cripple our actual production if we let it.